
I have a spirit I occasionally meet in a special place I use to go for a walk to clear my mind. His name is Aron. Once upon a time, he was a janitor. Not very old. He was in his mid-forties. Experienced a lot in his life. He finally got lucky when he found a girlfriend. The luck didn't last long when she fell for the owner of the place Aron was caretaker for. He started drinking a lot and one day it was too much for him. He ended his life in a hayloft with a noose around his neck. Not exactly a happy ending for him, but still he's a very kind spirit.

I sat down on a bench with him not that long ago. We started to talk about dreams. What they all ment.   
The irony of talking to a spirit about dreams. Dreams to me are wisdom from the soul, if I may say so. Every dream in my opinion is a sign. But should you listen to them or should you ignore them? For many, dreams are just a dream. That's okay because we can't all agree. Dream interpretation is something I have become incredibly good at. All I do as who I am is interpret images, feelings and vibrations from energies. Without that quality, I wouldn't have been able to do a very good job would I?

I usually have nightmares. Mostly from old cases and events from my life. When I dream otherwise, it's usually because some lost soul wants to make contact or pass on messages to someone around me. Yes, they can affect your dreams if they're strong enough. The feeling of someone touching you or someone whispering to you in a kind of half-awake state is a form of contact. Some of us are extremely sensitive to that type of contact. Then it can feel like tingling in the skin and a floating sensation when you wake up. Sometimes we experience deceased family members speaking to us. Influences dreams with hope and sorrow. The joy of seeing and hearing them again, but with the sadness of waking up to a different reality.

Dreams, what do they mean? Perhaps you dream of being trapped in a dark room without finding a door and the way out? You may dream that you are running, but so slowly that everything and everyone catches up with you and you don't get where you want to go. Being trapped in a dark room indicates to me that you are afraid and worried. You are lonely, left with everything alone. You don't know if there is a door or if the room is infinitely black and dark. But the darkness doesn't have to be a negative thing. It can also be a sign that you need to move. Try to find the way out. Nothing is scarier than going in blind and not knowing what's coming. We can experience the same feeling even if the room had been lit. Then we might have been anxious to open the doors and see what is behind them. So what does a door mean in a dream? For me, doors mean new opportunities. New spaces to enter. We just have to be willing to open them and face whatever may be on the other side.

It all depends on where we are in life. Are we happy? Are we ready? Are we lost? Are we sad? Dreams can be so much more and yet it happens that we don't even remember what we dream. That doesn't mean that the dreams we don't remember are important. To me, it could just mean that you're not quite ready for that part of awakening yet. It doesn't really matter what a person believes as long as it's enough to give you a boost through the journey life wants you to take. That journey is harder for some than others. The things we experience on the journey we can share and help others on the same path.

Yes, what happens to us, it builds us. It shapes who we are now. That doesn't mean we deserve to experience the hard way. It means to me that we should help others up to where they also deserve to be. When someone manages to climb to the top on the same path, it doesn't mean that we can't turn around to give others a helping hand. Yes, it might make them stronger too, but we're all different and sometimes the reward for treading through fire and flames yourself is the joy of being the one who helps others through at the same time.

Dreaming. Places we haven't been in a while, old memories and new places. For me it is a challenge. Namely to move me. Shape me. Dreaming about the past indicates to me that you need to perhaps take a step back. Not because it's a loss or a setback, just because you might be too far ahead. You're too fast and forget the most important things. Our subconscious works all the time. Sometimes it reminds us that no matter how fast you run, you will never catch up to the future and the past will always be right behind you.

When someone is chasing you in a dream, are you running away from them or yourself? Where are you trying to run to? An unknown place or a place where you feel safe? Either way, you run from something to get to something else. Sometimes I catch myself running in my dreams. I stop and turn to face whatever is chasing me. Most often I actually meet myself. Yes, because sometimes the biggest demons are the ones we carry ourselves. It's not easy to take control of our dreams, but sometimes we are aware that we're in a dream. How? Hard to say even for me. 

This is my way of reading dreams. My way of interpreting them. I can go into much more detail if you wish of course. I also interpret the feelings you get along the way. This is how Ghostwhisperer works. 

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