Let Her Burn!

Wow my friends. I had 231 mails after I took my page down. That’s a lot of mails! Thank you for being here. Sometimes I have nowhere else to turn to then here were I can write. Most of you wanted me to keep writing in english actually. That’s okay by me.

You guys had so many questions. I tried to answer you all, but I don’t think I did. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t expect there to be so huge respons to me taking my blog offline.

Everything is okay. I’m used to it. People hating or not understanding me just for who I am. I can’t change that. Wish I could, but I can’t.

Well… I could share something. A few weeks ago I was trying to find a girl. Her mother contacted me through someone that I helped once. Some group on facebook. She called me and talked about her daughter. How she disappeared one day. I was really not in the mood. My mind was with Red Sun at the time. But I never say no do I? So I said yes. I would help her. She warned me about her family. She grow up in a very religious family. The good old crazy christian ways, were everyone is a devil. I do have christian friends, muslim friends and all kind of friends and I respect that they have a religion. But this family had big issues I tell ya. She told me her and her brother got beaten with the bible by her mother og her father used the belt around his waist. Her brother passed away due to drugs 3 years ago. They were half Polish and Romanian and some Russian blood. She ran away one day, but then she got pregnant and the went home again after she got raped. (Yeah she had a rough life) She had no other place to go at age 19. She lived with them until her daughter was 2. Then they moved out. 13 years later her daughter got missing on her way home from a friends house. There’s much more to the story, but I don’t want to share that.

Anyway… I did agree to look for her. I got the local police to drive me to the last place she was seen. On a bus stop. No the last bus was already gone for that day so she didn’t take the bus anywhere. I sat there in the bus stop. Closed my eyes and did my thing. I started to walk. 300 meters or so I stopped by a narrow, small road. Looked like a camping area or something. It led to a lager opening. Old campfires and stuff from tourists I think. Then she found me. I just followed her. And then I found her. The detective that was with me called her mom. Then her mother came and not long after that the grandmother showed up. She was mad. Really mad. She didn’t speak any norwegian only polish and not that good english. She was going off at me. I just stood there cause I didn’t know what she was saying anyway, but I did feel her anger though. She disappeared for a moment and when she came back she had a bucket filled with gasoline she threw on me. Trying to set my on fire. Yeah, on fire. The police got to her before she could throw the lighter. Well… Her daughter told me she said «burn the witch!» That was what I got for finding her granddaughter. Only the devil’s spawn could kidnap souls. Only a witch could do that.

The girl’s mother was so grateful, but her sadness took her rather fast when they came out with her body in a black bag. Now she was alone with the rest of her not that normal family.

So yeah… I had a rough day that day. Not every day someone tries to set me on fire. Literally. I’m not mad she called me a witch. I like witches. Have big respect for the Wiccas. Much of my knowledge comes from them. Then all the stuff with the Red Sun happened and then my brain just melted. Still is, but I’m trying to keep myself together.

That’s why I wanted to take my blog down. The Red Sun was to be my last. I know there are so many out there that needs to be found, houses to clean and people to help.

But I’m so tired of being hated and not believed. So tired of fighting everything and everyone. I really am a good person. I’m kind. I try to understand and I do what I can to help the ones that need my help. Still I’m a witch, a liar, a devil, a monster, a psychopath to the rest of the world. But to the ones that believe in me. Thank you. Without you, I really would have burned a long time ago. Yeah and the Red Sun for actually keeping me here longer.

Thanks guys.